In 1993 while Joe Biden was a senator from Delaware, he had a staffer named Tara Reade. Tara has now gone public with the accusation that she was sexually assaulted (groped and digitally penetrated) by Senator Biden. Joe denies all. The CLB offers the observation that an accusation of sexual assault is not self-proving, and neither is the denial. Some “#MeToo” adherents have modified their credo of “always believe the woman” to “always believe the woman except when that would be politically inconvenient.” Tara made less than a complete record in 1993. We know for a fact that she left the Biden staff. Whether she was forced out is undetermined. Also undetermined is whether Tara is a serial accuser. If there was evidence of an excess of such allegations from the lips of Tara Reade, that circumstance would loom as relevant in the view on the CLB and weigh in Joe’s favor. On the other hand (but by the same token), an excess of such allegations against Joe Biden by other women would make it more likely that Tara speaks the truth.

Joe Biden has been around a long while. In the view of the CLB, the pinnacle of his career came in 1987 when Biden was able to block Judge Robert Bork’s nomination (by Ronald Reagan) to the United States Supreme Court. Nothing since 1987 seems to the CLB to be praiseworthy. While Veep to Barack Obama it was Biden who allowed his son Hunter to accept $50,000.00 or so monthly for being on the board of Burisma, the controversial if not corrupt Ukranian energy company. A report taken as credible by the CLB is of Joe Biden in the White House situation room in May 2011 urging postponement or abandonment of the military raid into Pakistan that brought the welcome death of Osama bin Laden.

But what do we know about Joe and younger women? It was 2014 when Joe was a second-term Veep and author Ronald Kessler released his book “The First Family Detail” about Secret Service protective duties going back at least to the Reagan administration. Kessler’s book included accounts of the Veep’s habit of rewarding his Secret Service detail by stripping naked in front of them for skinny-dipping at his Delaware home or Washington residence. The presence of ladies among the Secret Service detail was no deterrent to Joe. Other Secret Service accounts are to the effect that Biden was an unstoppable, unrepentant, serial groper of women, such that efforts were commonly made by men to keep wives or girlfriends beyond Biden’s reach at social gatherings.

It would seem that Joe’s reputation is fully consistent with the allegations of Tara Reade. The strange thing is how the news media seems to have forgotten what it knew less than six years ago. Even if Tara Reade is lying, the reputation of Joe Biden puts him in a class no better than, and probably worse, than the reputational ranking of President Trump.

The CLB adheres to the position that marital infidelity and greatness are mutually exclusive terms. Moreover, marital infidelity calls into question whether a president can honor his vow of faithfulness to the nation he serves.

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